4 Animals |

What To Do If Your
Cat Goes Missing
(Winnipeg Area)
(C) Copyright 2009
by Angels4Animals.com
Be aware that even
if your cat has a tattoo, it may have become unreadable over time, so
it may not be of use in finding your cat (the tattoo can fade, or
become distorted due to natural changes on your cats ear, and you may
not have noticed). So don't rely on the tattoo alone.
If you haven't
already done so, you should send a photo of your cat and a
"Lost" notice to all the no-kill shelters in Winnipeg so
that they can keep an eye out in case your cat is turned over to
their shelter (include the tattoo # in case it is readable).
You will find
contact information for each of these no-kill shelters listed at the
bottom of this article. Do this also with the Humane Society
(although they are less helpful if the tattoo is unreadable).
Also, if you moved
or changed your phone number since the tattoo was done, you need to
update your contact info with whomever did the tattoo - otherwise
your cat can't be traced back to you. So you should still do this now
if that's the case. Many people dont think of this. Do it also if you
move in the future, even if your cat has been missing for some time.
There have been cases of cats being reunited with their families
years after they went missing, and after the family moved - all
because tattoo contact information was kept up to date.
Don't give up
hope, and keep looking - it does sometimes happen that cats find
their way home after being gone for 6 months or a year - sometimes
even longer. Your cat may be lost and living on the street, and could
eventually cross paths with the right person who will put in the
effot to help him find his way home.
You should
continue to keep "lost" notices up for your everywhere
possible in your neighbourhood and surrounding area. Also do this at
vets offices in the surrounding area. And continue to post
Kijiji ads and newspaper classified ads. Remember, even though he may
have gone missing some time ago, he may be living on the streets or
he may be bouncing around from one temporary home to another, so it
is possible that at some point someone will recongnize him when they
see a "lost" poster or ad. But this can't happen if you
don't keep the posters or ads out there.
Lastly, as we
write this advice, we dont know whether your cat was let outside
intentionally or got out accidentally, but cats should always be kept
indoors for their own protection and safety. They face many risks and
dangers when let out. They depend on you to ensure their safety.
If you let your cat out on a leash, you should never attach the
leash to a collar, rather always use a harness, as the cat can easily
slip out of a collar - many cats go missing this way. Also, dont
leave your cat unsupervised on a leash - believe it or not there are
people who will purposely set them loose simply to be cruel.
Don't give up - he
needs you to keep looking. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you
and your little guy (girl).
By the way, if you
find your cat (whether or not it was through these tips), please email
us to tell us. We'd like to post some reunion stories to help
give others hope that happy endings do happen.
Thank you for
caring for your cat.
Shelters to Alert
About Your Lost Cat
Please note that
the shelters are caring for many more cats than you see on their
websites. Please don't simply rely on photos on their sites to
determine whether they may have your cat. Contact them direcly and
provide them with a photo and info sheet. This will also be helpful
if your cat should be turned over to them at some point in the future.
Darcy's Animal Rescue
(Darcy's Arc)
730B Century Street
thearc [at] mts.net
Rescue Siamese
& Stray Cats
960 St Mary's Road
Winnipeg Mb
rescue_siamesewpg [at] hotmail.com
Quagga Cat Rescue
970 St.Mary's Road
(204) 237-1958
Pet Rescue Shelter
3062 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 832-7387
If you think others would benefit from reading this article,
please send them here. We genuinely care about reuniting as many
cats/pets with their families as possible. Help us do it by sharing
or posting a link to this page.
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